Capacity Building

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Capacity Building

From time to time our clients have a need to provide training to their staff, or they seek professional development courses for themselves. They recognize that continuing education is a critical element in keeping their team vibrant and up to date. It is also a critical determinant of the bottom-line in many organizations. As a resource center, we underscore this and are pleased to assist them in finding suitable training modules. Where training needs extend beyond our area of expertise and we help them find tailored solutions provided by others.

In the area of our own expertise we have designed, and continue to develop, courses and organize events which make learning interesting and fun.

We also partner with a number of global organizations to provide tested course content and innovative learning methods. Training may be in the form of certified courses, CPE seminars, Webinars, Group simulations, international conferences and retreat events.

The purpose of any simulation is to let you experiment with reality – without ruining your business. Our business simulations are not just games; they are self-contained learning experiences that recreate real workplace or operational environments, and give your people the opportunity to test new skills and knowledge – and make mistakes – in a fun, safe environment.

We have a number of ready-made business simulations for immediate roll-out. These can be customized to suit your needs.

Coaching has proven to be an effective method in achieving change in leadership styles, in team motivation and in guiding individuals towards achieving set goals.

Traditional authoritative leadership models no longer deliver the results achieved in the past.

Change to more relational, elaborative and more consultative models have now emerged as the best way to help individuals learn and grow and work together more effectively.

Leadership coaching can facilitate productive change in individuals by enabling leaders to uncover their potential. Leadership coaching helps clarify vision, beliefs, and values, and stretches the capacity to lead and influence. Leaders then become catalysts for change within their organizations.

Team members can assess their own performance and learn to appreciate their role and contribution towards the organizational goals and visions. Coaching teaches them how to better interact with their peers and leaders.

Coaching is also a tremendous tool in one on one situations in which personalized guidance is desired.

Through our network of experienced practitioners, we can offer our members tailored coaching plans for their organizations and teams.

Seminars and Retreats offer a fun way to reward your team by blending personal development and professional training with recreation and relaxation in naturally beautiful settings.

As a Resource Center, we are pleased to offer our members and their teams options for reward travel and exclusive corporate retreats.

Each year, we organize a number of events in collaboration with our travel partner Content Retreat Vacations.  Events are of varying themes at select locations.  They provide perfect platforms for personal skill development, technical training and business strategy planning, but also for such important themes as teambuilding, motivation and work-life balance. Recognizing the importance of the latter, our events always incorporate time for adventurous recreation, healthy relaxation, and lifestyle management sessions. These are all important attributes often missing in today’s demanding working environments.



Sometimes, it takes “Three” to tango! Let’s work with you on these 3 areas and let’s go for real results.


I am quite passionate about seeing people succeed in a holistic and harmonious way. And no less my clients and their teams. It’s a nice feeling to drive around the territories where we serve and tell someone, that’s one of our clients… they are doing well!

Hyden Gittens
MAcc, CPA, Lead partner at Versant Resource Center