About Versant RC

Versant RC: Overview

At Versant RC, we believe in a holistic approach to helping clients improve business performance. Our team understands that if our clients shift their focus from just one indicator of performance, the bottom-line, to three important elements in operational management, the quality of each element in the organization improves and the primary indicator, the bottom-line results increase. This often to a greater extent than the investments in the individual elements. Those elements are Financial Management & Control, Training & Capacity Development and Team Wellbeing. This understanding is backed by many studies and our team is fascinated  to see the concept working at our clients. Of course it is a step by step process as not all areas need be tackled at the same time or with the same intensity, but over time the results begin to show and speak for themselves.

Our Members and Clients

Because of our holistic approach, members and clients span many business types and other sectors, across the Americas, the Caribbean and Europe. They include companies but also individuals such as CEO’s and CFO’s, professional practitioners (e.g. accountants, medics and lawyers), Human Resource managers, heads of departments, and even students in business and finance etc.

Members are companies and individuals who have signed up, are part of our communication network and receive our newsletters etc. They may make their contributions to our discussion platform from time to time, and otherwise make use our free resources. Students in particular benefit from this. Clients are members who have gone on to engage our paid services.

The Team

Our firm’s lead partner is Mr. Hyden Gittens, MAcc, CPA, who enjoys over 30 years of international experience in financial consulting services, auditing and in training and development. Mr. Gittens works with 3 partners serving clients across the islands of the Caribbean, with a concentration in the Dutch territories.

Mr. Javier Correa Chiu is the associate partner in Panama. Mr. Correa also enjoys many years working in business and finance in the Panama and Central America regions. Versant RC’s team of professionals are qualified across many disciplines including accounting, auditing, tax, information technology, risk management, economics, general business consulting and coaching. Many of our team members have worked with Big-4 firms and have gained international expertise in countries in the western hemisphere and Europe. Team members speak multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Dutch and Papiamentu.

International Collaboration

With IT-enabled financial solutions in the cloud and with internet communication protocols advancing, geographical constraints are dissolving. This makes the facilitating services of Versant RC as a resource center easily available for people in business and finance across many countries and time zones.

Our offices are located in Curacao and St. Maarten, Dutch Caribbean, and in Panama City, Republic of Panama. Not only are they beautiful places to work in, they also provide safe and stable environments in which to do business and have excellent communication infrastructures, which are essential to our service concept.

As you come to know us, as you join our network of clients, you will realize that we are just “a click away”.




I am quite passionate about seeing people succeed in a holistic and harmonious way. And no less my clients and their teams. It’s a nice feeling to drive around the territories where we serve and tell someone, that’s one of our clients… they are doing well!

Hyden Gittens
MAcc, CPA, Lead partner at Versant Resource Center

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